
Harsh here!
Goa engineering College 3rd year


Currently looking for internship opportunities


About Me!

Hey, I am Harsh Kumar, a passionate software developer, with wide variety of skill in design, web, app and game development.I love building crazy stuffs and you can always find me learning new things. I believe in minimalism and team work.


BTech Computer Science, 3rd year, Goa Engineering College. CGPA 8.3

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Coding Skills and Achievements

I enjoy Competitive Programming and have solved over 200 questions on various platforms.
Codechef 3* (max rating: 1704)
Won 1st place in intra-college coding competitions twice at Goa Engineering College in the Computer and IT departments.
Won 2nd place in inter college competition by ETC department, Goa Engineering College.
Winner of two hackathons - HackOverflow (IIT Goa) and Webathon (Chowgule)


Android: Java, Kotlin, Databases (SQLite, ROOM, Firebase), API calls, UI, libraries like glide, volley and many more.
Web: html, CSS, JavaScript, bootstrap, MERN, authentication and much more.
Others: Git, Unreal engine 4, ROS, 3D animation in blender.
Languages: Java, Kotlin, C, C++, Python, JavaScript.

Let's Talk!